Hello, I’m Nathan
your mortgage loan officer
Expert vs Order Taker
I’m good at what I do and that’s advising as opposed to selling, and strategically getting you into your dream home as quickly and financially soundly as possible
Mortgage Fact #1
You don’t have to put 20% down.
Mortgage Fact #2
Perfect credit is Not required.
Mortgage Fact #3
The seller can pay your closing costs for you.
Mortgage Fact #4
You don’t always need 2 years of employment.
Mortgage Fact #5
I can consult you on today’s mortgage rates.
Mortgage Fact #6
I have the competitive edge to early Pre-Approval.
Make Your loan a priority.
I certainly will.
Increase Loan Chances
Check your credit score and fix any mistakes. Payment history and Amounts owed are huge on your reports.
Lower your debt to income ratio.

Reduce Buyers Remorse
Find the right home for you!
Compare down payment options!
Calculate how much you can afford!
Get Pre Qualified!
Let’s get you in the home you’ve been eyeing for months! Don’t miss out!